The great thing about inspiration is that it can come from anything, anywhere. The source of inspiration
for the Honey Badger project truck proves it to be true in quite a unique way.
In early 2011, a viral video hit YouTube called "the Crazy Nasty#S! Honey Badger" that humorous describes the honey badger's ferocious defensive skills and its keen diet for cobra snakes. When it came time to name our next project truck, Chris Searle, our marketing manager at Diesel Tech magazine, knew the Honey Badger was a perfect name for it. "The honey badger just don't care," the video proclaims.
Our Build
Before we came across our 2002 Dodge Ram 3500 Cummins it was used by a dealer to tow vehicles all around the county. With over 200,000 tough miles on the odometer, some might just over look this truck.
"We just don't care. We are going to make it a head turner," says Searle, also owner of the truck. "This truck is the Honey Badger."
We started out working on the truck that has a good foundation since the majority of miles were highway and the engine was completely stock.