Online petitions are a dime a dozen these days. “Designate May 20th as Macho Man Randy Savage Day.” “Give Nicolas Cage the Declaration of Independence.” “Begin Construction of a Death Star by 2016.” (I don’t think that one worked. OR DID IT?! No, no it didn't.) As you can see, people can be pretty ridiculous. But every now and then, one comes along that not only addresses a real issue, but also directly impacts your lifestyle.
That’s where this one comes in: “Tell the EPA to Withdraw Its Proposal to Prohibit the Conversion of Vehicles Into Racecars.” Now, I know that the word “racecars” might throw you off, but this proposal would affect diesel trucks as well. Specifically, it would “outlaw the conversion of any type of emissions-certified vehicle into a racecar, and make it illegal to sell any emissions-related parts for those cars.” See how that’s a problem?
If diesel trucks are your lifeblood like they’re ours, then you need to go to the petition and add your name to the list. It’s currently sitting at 81,000 signatures. These petitions have to hit at least 100,000 within 30 days of being posted before they get a response from somebody at the White House. Given that this petition just went live yesterday, I’d say we’re doing pretty good.