Last year at this time we were scrambling to finish up our project truck that was bound for SEMA 2015. Following our coverage in our October issue that year we highlighted and recapped our Project LBZ build and felt good about where our truck sat. But of course no truck is ever really finished, and when our Chevy Duramax got the green light to be on display at SEMA, we let thoughts of us needing to do more to it creep into our minds and we began to toss around ideas for possible last-minute additions.
To be honest, no other four letters in the English language give us more anxiety than S-E-M-A! Although we considered our build 100 percent done, the desire to take it a step further became a top priority, because after all, it was going to SEMA, right?!
It was already a powerful beast with hours of engine work and countless aftermarket parts added. We had also been overly critical on what exterior upgrades were added to give it the specific look we were going after. When pondering what we could possibly do to take it over the top, it became obvious: we needed to tackle the top.

Located in northern Utah, Side By Customs is quickly becoming a must-stop along Interstate 15 for anyone wanting to customize just about anything with two wheels and beyond. Owner Brady Munns and his crew specialize in doors, roofs, roof racks, windshields, A-arms and even more for UTV's, side-by-sides and four wheelers. After seeing a SBC Roof Rack in person, we knew we had found the last addition that would truly draw attention at the biggest auto aftermarket show in the world.
Going Custom
If you’re looking fo a cookie-cutter roof rack that looks like everything else out there, Side By Customs is not who you want to contact. The Tremonton-based manufacturer specializes in custom work and that’s exactly what we wanted.
When they had finished, we had a beautiful custom roof rack loaded with LED lights from Assault LED Lighting. Side By Customs even took it a step further by adding a key fob remote so the lights could be turned off and on from outside the truck. Plus, our Diesel Tech magazine logo was etched along with SBC’s logo for that personal touch.

In the end we had a project truck on display at SEMA that we were truly proud of and thanks to Side By Customs it really was “over-the-top” in more than one way.
"Here at Side By Customs we offer a custom look and design for whatever your need is. If you want a rack or accessories just for looks, or full function and abuse, we will build accordingly. We also love to customize and make the product one of a kind for customers by cutting logos, or personal designs in when possible." -Brady Munns
Assault LED Lighting
Side By Customs