You asked for it and EFILive delivered! Cummins fans have long awaited the time when EFILive would support tuning for their beloved trucks. Even as recently as last December’s PRI Expo, we went to a seminar they put on and people were clamoring for it. At the time, they had nothing to announce, but EFILive put out a press release today to announce that beta testing has begun for “approximately 20 different engines used in 2010-2017 based vehicles” across two categories: on-highway and off-highway. On-highway will cover big rig, heavy duty, medium duty, light commercial and bus and RV applications, while off-highway will cover agriculture, construction, fire & emergency, marine, mining, power generation and rail applications. Three controllers, the CM2350A, CM2250, and CM2220, are supported in the beta phase.
“A range of vehicles have already been tuned in our first phase of testing. Our comprehensive beta testing program is now scheduled to expand to continue and refine support across this vast selection of vehicles. The below table details key supported engines.
“The available tuning parameters compare to EFILive's existing late model Cummins support including control over injection events, turbo and RPM parameters. EFILive's CSP switchable tuning support is also in development for on-highway applications. Additional Cummins HD controllers are presently under consideration for future support.
”EFILive has developed unique hardware for the Cummins HD market. FlashScan HD and AutoCal HD will be added to the EFILive suite of products upon public release. HD products are easily identifiable by the red case and custom label. Cummins HD support will only be available on FlashScan HD and AutoCal HD hardware given vehicle connection cables and communications protocols are unique to this market.”
For more information, visit www.efilive.com.