FUELAB’s new electric fuel pump boasts high efficiency, feeding up to 1,250 horsepower without burning out. Appropriately called the High Efficiency Twin-Screw Fuel Pump, its twin screw rotor design effectively guides the fuel to where it needs to be without drawing as much of a current while also greatly resisting vapor-lock. The motor is also electric and brush-free, so no need to worry about brushes wearing out or corroding. This pump is compatible with gasoline, diesel, methanol, and ethanol, and also with 12- and 16-volt electrical systems. It has a 500 LPH Flow Rating at 45 PSI and 13.5 volts, and a 125 PSI maximum operating pressure and runs without needing a speed control system. It has an integrated controller with a sealed electrical connector and an integrated dampened mounting system that isolates pump from vibration, and the whole pump weighs in at just less than three pounds. (618-344-3300 // www.fuelab.com)