Check out these options from AMP Research!

PowerStep Xtreme
AMP's PowerStep Xtreme is made specifically to handle extreme environments. From sub-zero winters to extreme mud, the Xtreme has you covered! This running board has dual motors to deliver more deploying and retracting power, LED lights that illuminate when the board is deployed, an aggressive die-cast aluminum construction for the best traction, and a durable high-textured powder-coated finish for corrosion resistance and maximal grip. Its OEM-quality motors, drive system, and wiring harness set the industry standard, and it comes with a 5-year/60,000 mile warranty.

Also look at the BedStep, a Side Step for trucks that work hard! The BedStep is a side-mounted bed access step designed to support up to 300 pounds. It simply deploys or retracts with the nudge of your foot.

BedXtender HD Sport
Need to make room for bigger loads? Consider the BedXtender HD Sport, which adds up to two feet to your bed! Flipping it inward, it could also serve as a tool to organize your bed. For more information, call 888-983-2204 or visit
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