Get A Boost With The Devil's Juice

Published in the October 2009 Issue October 2009 Injectors, Products

DevilsOwn is offering a new alcohol injection kit for applications with new DVC-30 controller. DevilsOwn Alcohol Injection Kits emit a fine spray of water/alcohol into the engine, allowing you to increase boost pressure and advance timing by reducing air inlet and exhaust gas temperatures while suppressing detonation.

The kit is adjustable with a built-in 30-psi MAP sensor for use on all diesel or gas applications with or without a factory MAP sensor. All kits come with controller, an alcohol rated 250-psi variable speed pump, heavy-duty nickel-plated check valve, 15 feet of black high pressure nylon tubing, two sizes of nickel-plated nozzles featuring its micro droplet technology, self-sealing bulk head fitting and hardware necessary for quick and easy installation.

The Universal Kit DVL5106 costs $375; the Controller - DVC30 is $175.

Contact (405) 470-4356 or visit

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