New 6-in-1 Diesel Fuel Additive

Published in the December 2014 Issue December 2014 News

Premium synthetic lubricant manufacturer Royal Purple has released Max-Tane, a high performance fuel system treatment designed specifically for all types of light, medium and heavy-duty diesel trucks.

 A 6-in-1 diesel fuel treatment, Max-Tane is the only diesel additive engineered to work as a total fuel system cleaner, Cetane booster, fuel stabilizer, fuel pump lubricator, cold flow improver, and demulsifier. 

Independent tests have shown that as little as one treatment of Max-Tane can increase Cetane Number by up to 8 points, boost fuel economy by up to 10 percent, improve cold fuel flow by preventing fuel gelling, quicken engine startup in both cold and warm temperatures, reduce exhaust smoke, odor and emissions as well as clean deposits from fuel injectors, combustion chambers, intake valves and piston crowns. (

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