If you're looking to fill the void in your life from lack of pull events this time of year, a new update for the Diesel Pulling Challenge pulling game for your iPhone, iPad or Android phones (www.facebook.com/DieselPullingChallenge) has just been released.
It's not one of those you can master in an afternoon, and that's what we like most about it. The game was released in late August and by the start of 2013 it had just over 1 million downloads on Apple and Android combined. It is the very first of its kind and the only one we know of that features many classes of trucks from work stock all the way up to pro mod.
It also features Bullseye Power's BatMoWheel turbochargers, Stainless Diesel's exhaust manifold and piping kit, ATS transmission, Scheid Diesel pumps and injectors and Danville Performance tuning. Each of these sponsors features their own pulling truck that the player can buy and modify. You can mod your truck and pull against your friends online, complete with an online scoreboard.
Diesel Tech magazine has also teamed up with the Touch Screen creators on this unique app. That's right, now there is a Diesel Tech work class pull series!
Nothing will ever be able to take the place of the real thing, but it's kind of fun to play a game that feels like it was specifically designed just for you.