Common Rail Dodge Turbo from Dynomite Diesel
Built for a common rail Dodge 94-02, according to Dynomite Diesel this turbo will outperform any other turbo on the market in spool-up, EGT reduction and drivability. As with all diesel turbos, fuel does no good without air and this piece of equipment is built to work through several different rpm ranges. One of the many great things about Dynomite Diesel is they are not a one-size-fits-all kind of company. Every turbo that passes through their shop is custom to each person and truck depending on what the client needs. After a decade in the performance industry, they have developed a system that produces reliable turbos to satisfy every customer. Over the years, they have bought as many turbos as they could get their hands on. Through engineering and pure experimentation, they have scrapped thousands of dollars and hundreds in failed turbos in order to bring consumers the very best. (
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Power Stroke 6.4L Tow-Power Compounds from Elite Diesel