Additives for Full Protection

October 2016 Products, News DT Staff

If you’re looking for ways to boost performance of your diesel truck year-round, then you’ll benefit from Alliant Power’s three new diesel fuel treatment fluids: Ultraguard, Lubriguard, and Winterguard. For a low price, all products are designed to keep an engine running strong by providing a powerful layer of protection for its fuel system. Ultraguard works in all seasons and improves base fuel quality. It restores engine output and increases fuel economy while also cleaning injector deposits and removing water, thus protecting against rust and corrosion. Winterguard provides anti-gel and anti-ice protection during cold weather, improving cold starts and cold engine performance. Lubriguard uses a blend of additives designed to lengthen fuel system service life by lubricating it, also cleaning injector deposits and restoring engine power and torque. All of these fluids are perfect for helping you save on repairs in the long run. For more information, call 866-283-1785 or visit

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