Project Date Night, Part One

7.3L build officially underway

October 2016 Trevor Mason

As with any new endeavor, you need to learn to expect the unexpected. When we first started this build, we expected things to go pretty smoothly. “It’s a ’99; it’s a 7.3L; these have been around for forever. What could possibly go wrong?” Oh, what fools we were. If you’ve been following us recently, you’ll remember our check-in from the August issue detailing some of our issues. Now that we’ve ironed out the wrinkles, we’re actually getting down to business with Project Date Night, our 1999 F250 7.3L Power Stroke.

I bet you’re asking yourself, “What kind of name is Project Date Night?” I’m glad you asked, dear reader! Months ago, when Diesel Tech publisher Greg Larsen was looking for our new project truck, he found this beauty on Craigslist from a seller in nearby Victor, Idaho

To read the complete story, click here.

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