EPA Friendly Part 1

How to keep a 2016 LML compliant

October 2016 Brady L. Kay

In the diesel industry, the word “delete” has become one of the most taboo words you could possibly utter out loud. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) went on the attack nearly a decade ago by hamstringing auto manufacturers and forcing them to comply with stricter emission standards starting with all 2008 models going forward. Aftermarket companies thrived for years with “deletes” to work around these new restrictions, but eventually the threat of the government fining the companies supplying the products as well as the shops doing the work (plus rumors about the government going after the individual truck owners) put an end to this or at least drastically slowed it down.

For those not wanting better fuel economy or improved horsepower, it was easy to keep trucks compliant, but in reality that’s not what diesel truck owners want. Is it possible to build a 700 to 800hp truck and still be compliant? To be completely honest, we’re not really sure. What we are sure of, however, is that we want to give it a try because this is where our industry needs to be heading, since fighting the EPA is a battle no one will ever win. 

To read the complete story, click here.

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