This Cummins will blow you away. Meet Cocaine, a 2004 Cummins-powered Dodge Ram owned by Montana Cherry of Gulf Breeze, Florida. Previously, he owned a 2002 Ford F-250 with the 7.3L Power Stroke until a same-age Dodge that clearly was more decked out smoked him in a race. Then just two years later, Cherry bought Cocaine the Cummins. Cherry was quite involved with the car and truck scene during his high school years, and his family owns a logging company, which was where his diesel experience started.
Montana was motivated to build something that would make a great daily driver but also be unbeatable in a race, and that eventually led to this truck! It went through several increasingly large horsepower ratings, and now, here it is at a mind-blowing 1,600 horsepower! Yes, get that number into your head; that's more than half the power of some huge diesel locomotives! To read more about this truck and to see more photos, click here.
Photo credited to DieselArmy.com