If you're looking for a friendly and equal-opportunity way to ask questions and share ideas about diesel pickups without worrying about hateful comments and backlash, check out these two open Facebook groups: 208 Idaho Diesel's and 6.4 powerstroke! They're both excellent places to simply have discussions about anything you please as it pertains to diesels (repairs, upgrades, towing/hauling, etc.), show off your ride, or buy and sell diesel pickups or parts.
The groups, managed by Jeffrey Wright, are designed to break negative stereotypes and preconceived ideas from the outside world and show everyone that diesel pickup owners are generally friendly and well-meaning individuals who treat each other as family and stick up for each other, which we can more than agree they definitely are. The groups may even convince you to buy a diesel! That being said, what are you waiting for? Check these pages out! Tell your friends and family as well!
208 Idaho Diesel's
6.4 powerstroke