Edge Juice CS2/CTS2 to CTS3 Upgrade Kit

March 2022 Products

Make something old new again with Edge's new update kit! Convert a CS2 or CTS2 Juice with Attitude to our latest CTS3 in-cab monitor. This kit will include the new CTS3 display, a new window mount and update cable. This will allow for a total integration of the currently-installed Juice system. The CTS3 monitor offers faster processing speeds, quicker load times, a more intuitive state-of-the-art swipe system, a crisper display and a sleeker look. This upgrade kit does not include the required Juice modules, sensors or wiring harnesses associated with it. It cannot be run as a stand-alone unit, and it must be used in conjunction with a previously-installed Juice CS2 or CTS2 system.

NOTE: Not compatible with 1999-2007 Ford Power Stroke or 2007-2010 GM Duramax applications.

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