Common Problems--Death Wobble

The dreaded death wobble

Published in the June 2019 Issue June 2019 Tech Corner, Feature

By Jim Sandberg

I had a 2004 Dodge 2500 Cummins that kept getting recall after recall after recall on the steering linkage due to possible death wobble issues. I did all the updates on it and made it to 300k miles without having any issues before I got rid of it.

My father-in-law has a 2006 Dodge 2500 which has had issues with death wobble. He has put more goodies on his truck and we are hoping that the issue is gone.

However, when I got my 2011 Dodge 2500 Cummins, I immediately got the steering linkage cross brace, updated linkage and a new steering shock … but it still has death wobble issues.

I have a "test" spot on our Interstate here locally that it never fails. When hitting this one bump it will make the truck do the death wobble.

I hate how extreme the issue is so I have not done anymore add-ons or replacements because I am not sure what the next step should be. But I would love to see a story on it. Heck, maybe even hook me up with techs that want a known issue and a spot that we know the truck does it so we can trial and error the issue and let readers and Dodge owners know the issue/solution.

I have gotten on Facebook, Cummins Forums and Dodge Ram Forums and there are not any 100 percent fixes for this issue and it is crazy how many trucks I have seen do the death wobble … and not just Dodges but several Fords as of lately. My wife's company trucks are all Ford  and have seen several recalls and issues with death wobble as well.

If someone has a solution, it would definitely help me out of a safety issue, let alone whatever else it is doing to my truck.

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